CAMOME built by Danielは2013年から、横浜にあるクラシック家具の老舗・株式会社ダニエルの新規コレクションとして始まった家具ブランドです。
CAMOME built by Danielの家具は常に本物の価値ある家財として、100年後にも高く評価していただけるモノ作りを目指し、お客様に製作する過程を実際に工場で見て頂く事ができる家具です。お客様が直接製造過程を目にする事により、安心し、楽しんで家具選びができる場を提供しているのも特徴です。
CAMOME is an innovative collection of furniture and design accessories since 2013 by DANIEL, a Yokohama-based long-established manufacturer of classic furniture.
Design and quality to meet the demands of the present age, CAMOME presents as an universal design brand simple solid wood furniture for both modern and classic interior.
This collection is produced of materials having a low impact on the environment such as timbers from fallen trees and forest thinning, and rejects during process for forming despite the
first-class Japanese timbers. There are some products made of wood with an uneven grain, CAMOME captures this wild taste as an identity of materials and each product is carefully created by
our skillful craftsmen with history and tradition.
CAMOME always opens our door for our customers to evidence the producing process of products at our factory. It is to provide the users comfort and joy of selecting favorite pieces by
showing the attitude of creating authentic furniture and family assets lasting for 100 years.
CAMOME built by Daniel
〒231-0861 神奈川県横浜市中区元町3-126
3-126 Motomachi Naka-ku Yokohama Kanagawa Japan
Postcode: 231-0861Country: Japan
Telephone: +81-45-311-4001

Classic Yokohama furniture lovingly handmade by master craftsmen
In 1863, an Englishman by the name of Gorman began making Western furniture in Yokohama for Westerners living in Japan at the time. Japanese carpenters are said to have met Gorman’s strict requirements and produced furniture of the same quality as found back in Britain. Indeed, such was its quality that foreigners would take their furniture back with them when they returned to their own countries. These craftsmen went on to incorporate distinctive elements of Japanese culture and skills into their Western furniture-making techniques, giving rise to what has become known as the classical style of Yokohama furniture. A superb degree of perfection is achieved by handcrafting outstanding materials, and this tradition, along with the skills that go with it, has been preserved to this day by Daniel. Use is made of materials such as choice Kabazakura (a kind of wild cherry), a durable wood with a beautiful grain that does not warp even after long use, and designs featuring carvings and gentle curves that one never tires of. To this day, Daniel’s skilled carpenters oversee the entire process from cutting to assembly with their own eyes, running their hands over their finished handiwork to ensure that they are completely satisfied with it. Only items that they are completely happy with see the light of the day. Daniel’s furniture is known as “hundred-year furniture” that can be used for three or four generations. When you see how well it is made, though, you’ll understand why these masterpieces not only last a century but also actually seem to gain in depth and quality as the years go by.
Daniel is Japanese sole agent of ERCOL.
Director / Designer

Leif.designpark is a Tokyo-based design firm consisting of Takashi Ueno, Mamoru Naito, Keizaburo Honda and Mizuho Naito. Established in 2006.
Working on product design, interiors and art. Leif.designpark has been presented their works at domestic/international exhibitions such as Milano Salone ; and has an ever growing range of furniture, many pieces of which are manufactured by De Le Espada as Leif.designpark Brand since 2009.